Over the past few years we have been working to develop a counselling centre aimed at providing a service for people who find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy or who are suffering distress following pregnancy loss. We are affiliated to Care Centres Network, a national organisation based in Basingstoke, which has 150 affiliated centres throughout the country.
We offer confidential counselling, help & support to those who find themselves facing an unexpected pregnancy.
All of our services are provided free of charge
Opening Hours
Wednesdays 11.00am 2.00pm
Appointments are also available at other times.
01934 741549
(24 hour Answerphone)
Gadds Lane, Tweentown, Cheddar
The Oasis Pregnancy Counselling Centre
Code of Ethics
Exceptional circumstances may arise which give the trained advisor grounds for believing the client will cause serious physical harm to others or themselves. Agreement to break confidentiality should first be sought with the client. If there are good reasons to suppose that the client cannot take responsibility for their actions, the decision to break confidentiality should not be taken without consultation with a supervisor.